Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just when you thought it would all work out well...

Éinrí kept watching the singer, wondering why the voice coming from her mouth just didn't seem right.... Still the song was lovely, and he listened... all the while wondering where Ailis had gone.

He applauded the singer and whistled, as he obviously appreciated her amazing voice. He also wished that Ailis had not missed this song, as to their peoples, it seemed to say it all. As did the next song – as each song had been carefully planned by Éinrí to install such fervour in their peoples that they would feel compelled to make peace....

On the stage a holographic Garth Brooks appeared, as did choir members in the audience, all together singing one of the anthems, "We shall be free."

Just as Éinrí was getting lost in the song, he was suddenly drawn out of it by the total opposite of what everyone should be feeling. Instead, he was sensing what he feared the most... murderous rage. He immediately contacted the HQ, all the while hoping against hope that Ailis's absence had nothing to do with this.

Careful not to be overheard, he opened a channel to his most trusted aide. “Nico, confirm there are bogies heading our way?”

“Confirmed.” Came the reply.

“How many and how soon?” He asked, dreading the answer.

“Too many, and too soon.” Nico replied.

Éinrí sighed heavily. After he got the answer he feared he would, he immediately made contact with his loyal forces that were dispersed amongst the crowd. He made sure of course that they were the only ones who could hear him, because panic was the last thing he wanted. "My warriors, it seems that we were tempting fate one too many times. I have just received word that we are under imminent attack. I need those involved in the defence forces to remain seated for instructions. Those who are not, those who are civilians, will be transported out."

He continued speaking to Nico. "Nico, execute the rescue plan. Thank God the ship will have more than enough room for those in the audience and in the castle. Do you copy?"

"I copy. We'll get the civvies out." Nico said as he coordinated the rescue plan.

"We've got the non combatants locked in. Transporting them out in five seconds. I doubt I could persuade you to join them?" Nico asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Confirmed.” Éinrí replied, knowing that Nico knew him so well. But what Nico didn’t know worried him. “Maybe you can tell me why you did not pick up the missiles coming towards us, until it was too late?" he asked, though he tried not to sound like he was accusing Nico of anything... he knew better than that.

But Éinrí also knew that someone was better at keeping the missiles undetected, than Éinrí’s forces were at detecting them. And now it was too late to do anything about it, except to get the civilians out, and get ready for the battle to come.

It took a few moments for Nico’s reply to come. "Hey my sensors are still reading clean, except for the heat imagers and that's only showing a slight pattern. But if I didn't know better it would just look like birds." Nico replied as he looked at his monitors. "Well I forgive you Éinrí... for keeping me up here instead of being down there with my lady, God she looked beautiful. Sometimes I wish your bad feelings DIDN'T come true. I hate dark ones. "

"You and me both." Éinrí replied with a groan. "At least the plan is working, I hope. Transport up all the non-coms and make sure their seats are taken up by our fighters, ASAP. Then as soon as the non-coms are out of here, get in the military transport and beam everyone else. I will join you shortly." he said, intent on finding Ailis first and asking her personally why her bombs were about to destroy the peace, perhaps forever.

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